What   2019 edition of Inércia Demoparty 2005!
The best (and only) Portuguese demoscene event.

What is a demoparty you ask? Follow these links:
Wikipedia demoscene article.
Teach yourself demoscene in 14 Days
When   1-3 November 2019
Where   Quarteirão das Artes
Rua Conde Ferreira 3, Almada, Portugal

Closest airport: Lisbon (LIS)
Closest trainstop: Pragal

.tap link
(in Portuguese)
Venue Details   - 5 minute drive from the river and ocean
- free wifi
- big screen projector
- PA sound system
- coffee machine & snacks available
- private courtyard for smoking / socializing
- bring your sleeping matress or find a local hostel

Friday (1 Nov)

15:00 - doors officially open
17:30 - opening ceremony
18:00 - shader coding seminar by PauloFalcao
19:00 - Jeenio & The 486 Quartet live concert
22:00 - Artica Instruments seminar by Guibot
22:30 - ScenePT demoshow
23:00 - ZX Spectrum demoshow
23:30 - Amiga demoshow
00:00 - MS-DOS demoshow
00:30 - recent demos demoshow

Saturday (2 Nov)

11:00 - livestream from Syntax Demoparty
14:00 - Blender seminar by Zeroshift
15:00 - deadline for graphics & music compos
17:00 - graphics compo
17:30 - music compo
18:00 - privacy online seminar by Vasilis
18:30 - deadline short film & interactive & one scene compos
19:00 - deadline combined intro/demo compo
21:30 - short film compo
21:45 - interactive compo
22:00 - one scene compo
22:30 - combined intro/demo compo
23:00 - shader showdown (TBC)

Sunday (3 Nov)

10:00 - random demoshow
11:30 - prize giving
14:30 - clean up party
15:00 - doors officially close

livestream archives on youtube

Graphics Compo

You can use any tool you want to create a static image. We accept photos, photoshop entries, pixelart, 3d renders, etc. All pictures will be shown with the latest version of IrfanView. Please hand in pictures with a flawless compression like PNG to ensure highest quality. If you can submit steps of the creation process, they will be shown.

Music Compo

You can use any tool you want to create a streaming music file. We accept mp3/ogg, tracked music formats without VST plugins (let us know what free Windows player you'd like us to use to play it), and even executable music (rejoice 4klang and oidos fanboys out there). Max length 7 minutes.

Short Film Compo

You can use any tool you want to create a short film. We accept 3d animations, step motion, machinima, home videos, etc. We accept whatever format VLC can play out of the box, try to keep it small though. Max length 7 minutes.

Interactive Compo

Interactive thing for whatever platform. Videogame, instalattion project, whatever. Present it live on stage or with a pre-recorded video.

One Scene Demo Compo

Executable realtime audiovisual scene of 60 seconds. If you are completely new to demo coding, or don’t have the time to make a full-fledged demo, then this compo is for you! Make it play out of a vanilla Windows 10 machine with latest graphics drivers. For other platforms please let us know what free emulator to use or bring your own hardware to play it.

Combined Intro/Demo Compo

Executable realtime audiovisual demo of maximum 7 minutes length. If you're size coding, we'll display the executable size on screen for people to judge based on that. Make it play out of a vanilla Windows 10 machine with latest graphics drivers. For other platforms please let us know what free emulator to use or bring your own hardware to play it.

Remote Submissions

Remote submissions are allowed but do not receive any prize money, please email your entry 1 week before the party.


All works must be original and not prior released in public. The organizing team can refuse or disqualify your entry from participating in the competition if we deem it to be subjectively innapropriate (avoid insulting people and you should be fine, we just need a safeguard rule in case of extremely controversial content being delivered). By participating in our competitions you are giving us the right to redistribute your submitted work under Creative Commons, Non Commercial, No Derivatives, Share Alike license online.

Prize Sponsors


Registered visitors   1) ps / TPOLM
2) Zeroshift / Coprocessor
3) Jeenio / Accession
4) dub
5) PauloFalcao
6) EviL / GlenZ
7) falso
8) mirage
9) FredZvt
10) MontyOnTheRun
11) obcecado
12) Spenot
13) Alien01
14) cc2019
15) Jae686
16) Fu5c4
17) Vasilis
18) sardaukar
19) Buu342
20) Dex
21) AFTA3000
22) Garfield
23) lordcoxis
24) elekt
25) ...

Please fill out the pre-registration form if you're coming.
Kids Corner   Some of our older demosceners face a hard decision between bringing their children along or not being able to attend. To facilitate your presence Inércia will try to be as kid friendly as possible, we're planning to have a console games corner, a board games corner and a private patio for your kids to play safely without wandering into the street while you catch up with old memories and friends. We hope this will convince you to show up, even if just only for a short visit, without losing points with your family.

We're open to other ideas to keep the kids entertained, please email us your sugestions or, even better, help us organize some.
Entrance Fee
  3 days, 30 euros
1 day, 15 euros
saturday night, only for compos, 5 euros

Free entrance to children below 14.
Free entrance to curious visitors (15 minutes).
Entrance fee covers rent of venue and compo prizes, we are non profit.

Please fill out the pre-registration form if you're coming.
Everyone who pre-registers before 10 Oct gets the event t-shirt for free.

If you want to support inércia organizing, you can either buy a supporter ticket (email us for our paypal info), or donate prizes for the competitions.
Rules   In legal terms Inércia Demoparty is a closed doors private event for friends, ofcourse we welcome everyone interested in the demoscene and retro computing culture to show up, please pre-register so we know how many people we can expect to have. We reserve the right to refuse entry or kick out anyone with improper behavior such as racism, sexism, annoying drunks, infringment of Portuguese laws, etc. Remember we are a kid friendly event, please be sensible and minimize any explicit mature content whenever possible. We hope these simple rules won't stop you from having fun at Inércia Demoparty 2019.
Discuss   psenough's discord
facebook event
Please share our flyer in your social media!
Volunteer   We're looking for volunteers to renew our orga team. Interested in earning your ticket and learn more about the demoscene culture? Send us an email!
Organization Partners